Read: The Wisdom of Daybreak

So much of the way we carry on each day, empowered by our technological array, encourages us to presume an extraordinary degree of control and power over the world. [Warning: sweeping claim incoming.] Indeed, the project of technological modernity was explicitly pursued under the banner of just such mastery over nature.⁵ And, by and large, its achievements have been real and substantial, if perhaps also precarious, unevenly distributed, and freighted with costs that are becoming increasingly evident. But the sun is gloriously indifferent to my desires and pretensions. It cares not whether I would slow or speed its arrival. A fact that, and this is a crucial point, eludes my apprehension most days of the year because I am simply not paying attention or even situated so that I could pay attention.

Source: The Wisdom of Daybreak – The Convivial Society

