Month: February 2025
Sometimes Readwise resurfaces exactly the right quote from 6 years ago that you need today:“Convenience is all destination and no journey. But climbing a mountain is different from taking the tram to the top, even if you end up at the same place.” From this 2018 piece by Tim Wu in the nytimes Also on:…
Ride Report 2025-02-08
A few thoughts on my first multi-surface ride with the Joe Appaloosa. View from the Oceanic Bridge towards Red Bank. I hate the cold. I hate being cold. I hate going out in the cold. From November until May I am cold. Which is to say that for me to get out for a ride…
HomeAssistant Logs
Here’s a quick one-liner to tail -f home assistant logs from a docker image. I’m sure there are better ways to do this but I got tired of typing a bunch of commands so finally figured out this one liner to save: Assumes your homeassistant docker image is called ‘homeassistant’ then add this to .bashrc
Update Moode Library w/ cron
To schedule the moOde library update to happen every night, you can use a cron job with the ‘mpc update’ command. Here’s how to set it up: This cron job will run the ‘mpc update’ command at 00:00 (midnight) every day, which will update the moOde library[2]. Replace with the directory you want to update[2].…