Author: sjwillis

  • Focus mode for musicians on iOS

    I’m sure there are a bunch of really excellent use cases for the new focus mode in iOS but this one that I created yesterday is a total game-changer for me. On so many occasions I’ve been playing guitar or recording something in garage band and had a phone call or text interrupt the recording…

  • AirPlay 2 on Shairport

    This is still in its infancy but it’s fantastic to see AirPlay 2 support making its way into Shairport/Linux. I haven’t tested this yet as I’ve been buying old AirPort Express (amazingly, they support AirPlay 2) devices to replace my Raspberry Pi’s but it’ll be fun to pull out a raspberry pi and try to…

  • Long Form Article Reading on Kindle, Improved

    Over the past year I’ve been using a service called to surface highlights from books I read on my Kindle and from articles I read on my iPad using Instapaper. The service has its flaws but all in all has been useful to me in helping me to remember what I’ve read and found…

  • Apple Lossless Dolby Atmos

    I scored a great deal on a NAD receiver/amplifier (with a phono preamp!) recently and finally had a chance to run it through its paces into my KEF Q150s. I primarily listen to vinyl through this setup but also have an older AirPort Express going into an outboard DAC via optical out so that I…

  • Three key health metrics from Apple Watch – V02 Max, HRV and resting heart rate

    As I finished up my run this AM, I checked my phone to look at the health data captured during the run. This is my habit and it got me thinking that based upon some recent conversations with friends of mine who got Apple Watches for Christmas, it feels like more than a few Apple…

  • iPad Pro for home studio recording

    I love my iPad Pro for recording. My current workflow involves laying tracks into GarageBand and then either exporting the stems out to a Google Drive where one of my band mates adds them to our band’s Reaper projects or I dump the project to my Mac and play around with the mix in Logic.…

  • Joni Mitchell’s River

    Kül d’Sack put together a little Christmas present for our listeners. Usually at this time of year we’d be doing our Christmas show at a local bar and cajoling the crowd to join us in the caroling. This year COVID kept that from happening. Instead we each recorded our parts for Joni Mitchell’s River at…

  • Deleting minutes from Apple Watch Exercise

    I accidentally left Zwift running in the background on my Apple TV the other night and ended up with a few thousand exercise minutes showing up on my Apple Watch rings. In the interest of maintaining clean data I set about trying to remove the unearned minutes. Whoa. What a rabbit hole! – you can…

  • Goodreads. The roach motel for your reading data?

    Have never had a whole lot of love for Goodreads as the site feels like Amazon stealth research department. Now that they’ve made it impossible for me to get out my annual stats via API, I’d really like to find a good alternative.  

  • Readwise feedback and remembering what you’ve read

    The value of reading is proportional to the ability to remember what you have read. Reading is a richer experience when you are reading through a lens informed by the context of everything you’ve read and experience before. Indeed, how much richer is daily life when you can call on a piece of verse or…