Author: sjwillis
Library Management of Live Grateful Dead Matrix Recordings
For the past several months I’ve been using Roon audio server to handle my home hi-fi listening. It’s a slightly pricey subscription model for what I use it for and I’m actively looking for an alternative. Basically, I just want a box that holds a bunch of lossless audio files and serves them up to…
Zoom volume and Music Volume control with Keyboard Maestro
My new favorite Keyboard Maestro shortcut allows me to toggle between audio outputs (Built In Output device and my USB output). The Built in volume controls my iMac speakers, the USB output controls my Amp. So, combined with the superb Rogue Amoeba’s SoundSource, I can easily bounce back and forth between controlling my music volume…
Log/Append a photo to a Day One entry
Someone posted a question about how to do this on the Day One Community site so I thought I’d build up a little iOS shortcut that: – checks to see if you have an entry for today, if not it creates a blank one and then prompts you to choose a photo, resizes that photo…
Friday Links for Jul 31, 2020
My new gig at work is keeping me insanely busy and so it’s been a while since I’ve gotten around to updating here. Here’s a few of the links I’ve saved this week. Linking ≠ endorsement. Free Speech Prevails at Princeton | Robert P. George – This is a time of testing for our nation. We…
Book Review – Lincoln in the Bardo, George Saunders
I can’t say enough good things about this book. Saunder’s Catholicism-informed Buddhism is on full display. The detailing of Lincoln’s transformation of grief is one of the best things I’ve ever read on dealing with loss. The re-animation of the souls stuck in bardo through their metta/lovingkindness engagement with the departing Lincoln, also great. Also…
Mac->Parallels->Windows Remote Desktop Keyboard mapping problem
Whoa, this was driving me nuts, so glad I got it sorted. When I used Remote Desktop on my Mac’s Parallel’s VM running Windows 10, every time I typed the pipe key (|) I got double quotes (“) and every time I typed a backslash (\) I got a single tick (‘) and my quote…
Good Grateful Dead Matrix Recordings
On facebook the other day, a friend asked for some Grateful Dead live show recording suggestions the other day. I can’t imagine a show that I wouldn’t listen to but I list some recent favorites down below. There is always gold to be mined in every show, somewhere. That said, for the past year I’ve…
Essential Working From Home Apps and Tools
All of this working from home has meant that I have not spent this much uninterrupted time behind my personal computer since I do not know when. This is to say, over the past few weeks I have dialed in my personal setup in a way that is super-useful to me and I thought I’d share…
Recording Music/Video with GarageBand on iPad and video on iPhone – Part 1
If you’ve spent anytime at all on YouTube watching videos of guitarists you know that they range in quality from quick and dirty iPhone videos to more elaborate multi-screen, multi-track presentations. Until this week and being quarantined and all with the Coronavirus pandemic, I had never really given much thought to posting my own videos…
Friday Links for Mar 20, 2020
10 Ways to Ease Your Coronavirus Anxiety – These simple tips will help you relax and put things in perspective — in between washing your hands, of course. A Guide to Managing Your (Newly) Remote Workers – Good tips from HBR A cough, and our hearts stop: Coping with coronavirus anxiety and fear – More…