Category: Music

  • ChatGPT- Home Recording Studio Assistant

    Configuring a recording setup with an iMac, Audient iD22, Behringer ADA8200, and an outboard stereo compressor. Connection types among the devices include USB, ADAT optical, and 1/4″ TRS cables.

  • Crazy Fingers

    I’ve been ruminating over how the chord changes to Crazy Fingers ever came about. The changes don’t feel like something you’d come at organically outside of some melody. Last night my son turned me on to Distorto from the ‘75 studio rehearsals and I now think that Jerry had this really interesting melody in mind…

  • Re-listening

    The shift to hosting a personal Navidrome server has shifted my listening habits, fostering more repeated listening contrasted with Apple Music’s constant novelty aspect.

  • Apple (country) Music Genres

    I’m not really sure that I use genre information too much in organizing my library, but that’s not to say that I don’t want it to be correct when it’s applied. My years working in the classical music world taught me how painfully insufficient existing music metadata tagging is for classical music — e.g. movements…

  • Original Music Links

    Experimenting with Linode, S3 storage and Nextcloud to see if I can find an easy way to link to music I want to share. While bluegrass, country and Dead are my primary musical outlets, I like to switch gears (ha, that’s funny in a way that will be clear in a minute) and play with…

  • Nashville Notes

    In addition to catching Lucas Nelson + POTR at the Ryman, we saw a bunch of other great music, here’s a run down. This doesn’t include any details about the killer guitar shops we checked out, I’ll try to write some of those notes up. My nephew and I landed in Nashville, dropped our bags…

  • Lucas Nelson + POTR @ Ryman

    First off, the Ryman. Whoa. What a venue. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a comparable space for hearing live music. Not just how my history is there but the sound quality was astounding. We lucked into Nelson playing at the Ryman while we were in town. He had an opener, Meg McCree. She…

  • Music Update for October 2023

    Here are some of the Albums I’m currently checking out. Most of the New Releases have been added to my “New Releases to Check Out” playlist through the Music Harbor application as noted in my On Listening post. Blues From the Rainforest by Merl Saunders – found this CD when going through an old stack, so…

  • On Listening

    Let’s start by agreeing that there is so much great music out there—old and new—that it’s not possible to listen to all of it. Today, discovering new music now can feel like drinking from an algorithm-fueled firehose, but I can remember before the internet came around where all we had were music magazines, really good…

  • April, 2022 Top Tracks Playlist

    Really late on this. Here’s a playlist of my top tracks from April, 2022 on Last.FM and on Apple Music. Still really enjoying The Cactus Blossoms. Work has been busy and so meeting-filled that I’m barely listening to any music during the day. This has been true for April and May. So, listening habits are…