Category: Music
Paradigm PDR subwoofer repair
TL;DR, if your paradigm PDR-10 isn’t powering on automatically, check the fuse. It can be easily accessed by removing the back panel of the subwoofer. Sunday morning and I had the house to myself for a few hours so decided to listen to my favorite recording of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony. Firing up the 3rd and…
The Great $100 Home Audio Project*
(*Actually only $70 if you already have an amp/receiver to plug into). We’ve been in our house for almost 10 years and I still haven’t found a good way to take advantage conveniently of the speakers that were built into our Master Bedroom ceiling. The speakers feed into a selector box in the basement…
reboot your Onkyo receiver (fix the blinking red light problem)
I was playing some LPs the other day and my newish Onkyo A-9555 receiver made a popping sound and shut off. When I turned it back on, the red light just blinked and the volume light never came on. After taking the unit apart to look for a blown fuse–only to discover the fuse was…
The Morning Playlist
The Morning Playlist Morning is the most difficult time of day for me to select what to listen to. The right playlist can set the day off on a trajectory of inspirado. But a poor choice can count off a day of ennui and lethargy. I need some suggestions to spice up my morning listening.…