Category: Notes
Sometimes Readwise resurfaces exactly the right quote from 6 years ago that you need today:“Convenience is all destination and no journey. But climbing a mountain is different from taking the tram to the top, even if you end up at the same place.” From this 2018 piece by Tim Wu in the nytimes Also on:…
Friendly warning for new users of #linkding. RTFM. This little gem is buried in the instructions: “Note that the command above will store the linkding SQLite database in the container, which means that deleting the container, for example when upgrading the installation, will also remove the database. For hosting an actual installation you usually want…
Mentioning here how helpful the native Mac OS app Yate is for cleaning up FLAC tags. The “Mickey Hart” mix versions of Workingman’s were intermingled with the original album release and Yate was the right tool for the job to rename the album to Workingman’s Dead (Mickey Hart Mix). Also on: website
“The Christmas lights won’t turn on, better power cycle the server.” Filed under: Sentences Unfamiliar to Thoreau.#homeassistant Also on: website
Hard to imagine how long finding this answer would have taken before “I have an ecobee 3 lite and an aquastatic, 2 taco valve boiler– Can I use the ecobee to control one of the valves and my old thermostat for the other valve?” Also on: website
A PSA/reminder to self: Linode makes it SUPER easy and fast to increase the size of your server with no downtime but when you want to scale it back down, you have to first resize your disk (down) and then resize the linode box which requires bringing it down completely. Also on: website
Think I may have my WordPress to Mastodon filtering in place so that it only posts from a specific category and doesn’t spam my Mastodon account with all of my link and highlight saves. Fingers crossed! Also on: website
Read: Manufactured Anxiety: How Self-Improvement Became a Self Destruct Sequence
Who profits from our constant state of dissatisfaction? The answer, of course, is painfully obvious. Every industry that sells a solution to a problem you didn’t even know you had. Every influencer who monetizes your insecurities. Every corporation that convinces you your worth is tied to your productivity. They thrive while we spiral. And the…
Read: Pema Chödrön’s Three Methods for Working with Chaos
• No more struggle: “Whatever arises, train again and again in seeing it for what it is. The innermost essence of mind is without bias. Things arise and things dissolve forever and ever. Whatever happens, we can look at it with a nonjudgmental attitude. This is the primary method for working with painful situations.” •…
Read: My Friends Aren’t Reading
the shifts have been in place for awhile. A certain kind of book—say those reviewed in the NYRB—will become like opera, or theater, or ballet, and their readers like their patrons. Source: My Friends Aren’t Reading – Anne Trubek Also on: website