Category: Notes
Started listening to The Practice of Practice, trying to add a bit more structure to my practice sessions to make the best of my limited time. Verdict is still out. Audiobook has had several glitches in the first 30 minutes or so but looks like good material will be covered: Also on: website
Currently listening to this gem by Asleep at the Wheel. After a morning working on chord substitutions, there’s nothing like some western swing to illustrate just how many voicings you can fit into some simple changes. These Western swing cats were geniuses. Also on: website
Seeing so many folks posting about their Apple Vision orders. Channelling my inner Steve Ballmer (who was notoriously wrong about the iPhone), I hate this thing and hopes it’s a flop. I don’t want to live in a world where these things are as ubiquitous as iPhones. Looking down at your phone while you talk…
This has got to be one of the craziest things I’ve ever heard. Unbelievable. Bloody pigs mask? eBay will pay a $3 million criminal penalty for a harassment and intimidation campaign targeting a Massachusetts-based couple who ran a newsletter that was sometimes critical of the company. — Read on Also on: website
Almost as good as wearing PJs inside-out, here’s our song Snow Day for all you #newjersey folks enjoying today’s snow: Also on: website
Status post w image Also on: website
Read: Curation Is the Last Best Hope of Intelligent Discourse.
The role of human curators is not just to select and present content but to imbue the digital landscape with a sense of reliability and authenticity that only human insight can provide. In an age where technology can easily mislead or overwhelm, trusting in human curation becomes not a preference but a necessity for preserving…
The Shaarli docker documentation is like a masterclass in how to use docker and docker-compose. I wish I had known all of this when building up my self-hosted services (navidrome, photoprism, etc.) Great reference: Also on: website
Read: The Thing That Is Silence
So, so great to get an update from The Convivial Society after a long break. All the forces at play within us and without seem to be centrifugal forces, pulling us apart. I remain interested in understanding the nature of these forces. The critical conversation remains important. But I’m increasingly interested in how we might…
Read: 6 thoughts on “Commentary: Cory Doctorow: Social Quitting”
When switching costs are high, services can be changed in ways that you dislike without losing your business. The higher the switching costs, the more a company can abuse you, because it knows that as bad as they’ve made things for you, you’d have to endure worse if you left. For social media, the biggest…