Category: Status

  • Not going to lie, I’ve been ignoring all the hype around Drafts and sticking with emacs to my detriment. I dismissed Drafts as a rabbit hole for Zettelkasten-types where you spend more time tweaking the system than using the system, but Drafts is really close to what I imagine emacs would be if it were…

  • The impermanence of the web is a weakness. I have a journal entry from 19 years ago with 8 hyperlinks in it, many to major news outlets and publishers. Every link is broken resulting in some kind of 404-ish error. Archivists were right to mistrust this thing. Also on: website

  • It’s 1:18PM and I’m just now finally able to open my Morning Checklist. Eeeesh. It’s days like this that make Cal Newport’s vision of what “knowledge work” is like sound like a fairy tale. Also on: website

  • I’ve been trying to achieve an easy way to POSSE from my phone with a nice interface, good editor, handles photos, etc. Neither iOS shortcuts nor the WordPress app are especially satisfying to use. Beluga looks interesting. Thanks @matthiasott Also on: website

  • Prompt: Write me a powershell script to run on a MICROSOFT Windows device that returns the enabled TLS versions.ChatGPT: (copy script, run): You’re running v. 1.2 (true!)MICROSOFT’S CoPilot (copy script/run): You don’t have any TLS (false!)Copilot, why you so dumb? Also on: website

  • Dreary gray winter day, I’m looking out my window at the melting remains of last week’s snow. Need to turn around the energy for the afternoon’s projects, time to pull in the heavyweights: Gilberto Gil and Jorge Ben. Also on: website

  • Started listening to The Practice of Practice, trying to add a bit more structure to my practice sessions to make the best of my limited time. Verdict is still out. Audiobook has had several glitches in the first 30 minutes or so but looks like good material will be covered: Also on: website

  • Currently listening to this gem by Asleep at the Wheel. After a morning working on chord substitutions, there’s nothing like some western swing to illustrate just how many voicings you can fit into some simple changes. These Western swing cats were geniuses. Also on: website

  • Seeing so many folks posting about their Apple Vision orders. Channelling my inner Steve Ballmer (who was notoriously wrong about the iPhone), I hate this thing and hopes it’s a flop. I don’t want to live in a world where these things are as ubiquitous as iPhones. Looking down at your phone while you talk…

  • This has got to be one of the craziest things I’ve ever heard. Unbelievable. Bloody pigs mask? eBay will pay a $3 million criminal penalty for a harassment and intimidation campaign targeting a Massachusetts-based couple who ran a newsletter that was sometimes critical of the company. — Read on Also on: website