Category: Technology
HomeAssistant Logs
Here’s a quick one-liner to tail -f home assistant logs from a docker image. I’m sure there are better ways to do this but I got tired of typing a bunch of commands so finally figured out this one liner to save: Assumes your homeassistant docker image is called ‘homeassistant’ then add this to .bashrc
Update Moode Library w/ cron
To schedule the moOde library update to happen every night, you can use a cron job with the ‘mpc update’ command. Here’s how to set it up: This cron job will run the ‘mpc update’ command at 00:00 (midnight) every day, which will update the moOde library[2]. Replace with the directory you want to update[2].…
Open Outlook for iOS to Calendar
iOS Users: Sharing this iOS shortcut despite its very limited use case. My dog has a longer/better attention span than I do. As a result, whenever I open Outlook on my iPhone to check my calendar, I immediately get distracted by whatever emails are at the top of my inbox and forget that I was…
Stereo HomePod Pair in Music Assistant
Took me a little while to get this sorted out so I thought I’d document it here: Music Assistant supports grouping speakers so, briefly put what you’re doing here is just creating a group with two HomePods, one playing the left channel, the other the right channel. Key here is configuring the individual HomePods to…
Tailscale, iOS, self-hosting and Home Assistant
It feels like magic to have no open ports on my router and still be able to access all of myself hosted services. Jotting down a few notes here on how I approached this. First off, my primary server that I self-host all of my services on is always running a VPN so I don’t…
Personal Tech/Self-hosted wins.
A few weeks ago I worked with to generate some journaling prompts that were unique to me and my goals. It’s made for some great journaling this month so far. Today’s prompt and response is one worth sharing as I think it’s something a lot of folks like me would benefit from thinking about…
Specific Post Category Sharing to Mastodon from WordPress
I added this snippet which seemed to do the trick of only sharing WordPress posts categorized as “Status” up to Mastodon. The rest I’ll share manually
Adventures in Self-hosting HiFi Audio Streaming.
I’ve been through a bunch of self-hosted music setups over the past 10 years or so. There are a long list of good reasons why owning and hosting your own music is better than streaming but I’ll save that for another post. Still, despite years of home streaming my audio collection, I haven’t found the…
Aqara Hub and Home Assistant
The Aqara sensors and such have been super reliable in my HomeKit environment, highly recommend. But, as I’m currently trying to solve what should be a simple use case, I’m getting into the weeds of Home Assistant. I’ve spent a grand total of about 4 hours in Home Assistant so far and I’m sure it…
Tech vs. Democracy
The Outsourcing of Democracy It’s not news to me that the intersection of technology, democracy, and power has reached a critical junction but I now have a much better sense of what’s at stake. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been diving deep into Marietje Schaake’s “The Tech Coup,” watching Ronan Farrow’s “Surveilled” documentary,…