Category: Technology
The shift to hosting a personal Navidrome server has shifted my listening habits, fostering more repeated listening contrasted with Apple Music’s constant novelty aspect.
ChatGPT and “Humanities Types”
In his latest issue of galaxy brain, Charlie Warzel dismisses the value of ChatGPT in part because he’s unable to see the value or potential. of ChatGPT, because the ability to control or drive value from the tool is outside the grasp of most humanities types. A good ChatGPT whisperer understands how to sequence commands…
Hey Siri/Shortcut Automation with 2023 Outback
Updating my “Hey Siri, Warm up the Subaru” shortcut post with parameters/options.
Troubleshooting Linking iPad to Mac
I’m regularly struggling to get my iPad recognized by my Mac for Handoff and Keyboard/Mouse sharing. I like to be able to use a single keyboard and mouse to dive my computer and my iPad, located next to my Mac monitor. Even after making sure that they’re on the same network and signed in with…
Netflix Viewing History to Letterboxd
After doing an export of my Netflix viewing history, I wanted to import it into Letterboxd. The date format in the Netflix export doesn’t work with Letterboxd, which wants the data as ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ so I wrote up a little python script to do the date conversion because knowing when I watched something is pretty useful.…
Deciding Between Shaarli and Reader: A Personal Taxonomy Approach
Following several weeks of digital housekeeping, I’m determined to do a better job about being consistent about where I’m storing links, online articles, resources and various “read later” type stuff. My tools of choice are Readwise Reader and Shaarli. I’ve been pretty lax about what goes where so I spent some time thinking about how…
Bulk import WordPress posts into Day One
This export/import process requires bouncing back and forth between the Desktop and iOS versions of Day One as the import/export feature set is very different for each version and you’ll need to leverage both feature sets.
Nginx, WordPress & ActivityPub
I have been deep in the terminal these past few weeks whenever I get a moment or two of free time. We have had a lot of rain recently, resulting in way more free time than usual. This allowed me to sort out a bunch of issues on my new $5/month linode. I didn’t love…
Thanks, update!
Morning after update to 15.4, all shortcuts look the same now. Not super useful, Apple: