Category: Technology
AppleScript for Day One braindump to Things
Highlighting the truly first-world problem of Mac automation being totally different from iOS automation, I wrote up a simple AppleScript that mirrors the functionality of my iOS shortcut that takes my brain dump list out of Day One and “intelligently” transfers it to Things. When I write my morning entry in my Day One journal…
Shortcut: Day One braindump to Things
I use Day One as a journal almost every day. Most mornings start with me doing a bit of a brain dump into Day One, listing anything that’s on my radar that I need to deal with. So I wrote a shortcut to help me deal with those brain dumps a bit better. This shortcut:…
iOS Shortcut to upload photo to WordPress & Instagram
I am trying to reduce the friction of posting photos to my site from my phone. In the process I thought it might be useful to simultaneously upload photos to my Instagram profile at the same time as my site. Over the past year I’ve cobbled together a bunch of pieces to make this process…
Day One Morning Health Shortcut
Some folks over on the Day One Community FB group were interested in this shortcut I wrote. It computes your 7-day average for active energy and steps, asks you a few questions and creates a Day One journal entry. You will need to modify this shortcut. It’s a little tricky as it pulls health kit…
How not to overthink iOS shortcuts for Day One Journals
I like to keep notes about the gigs I play with my various bands. Sometimes I log very detailed entries about changes we need to make to our gear or sound settings for the next gig, other times it’s just a few quick words so I can remember who came out to see us or…
Read iOS HRV data (captured during breathing session) via shortcuts
I first started using Heart Rate Variability (HRV) to track my recovery from a concussion that I sustained while out mountain biking. HRV is a possibly useful metric to track overall health, stress levels, etc. I have a few years worth of (not entirely consistent) HRV data as a result of using Marco Altini’s fantastic…
Giving Technology Away
This morning I read of the Brazilian government’s plan to make $200 pc’s available to its people. There are too many variables involved for me to say that this is an unconditionally good idea for Brazil. First off, a cursory comparison between the level of poverty that exists in Brazil vs. the poverty that exists…