Category: Uncategorized
2023 Delaware Valley Bluegrass Festival
The jams at this year’s Del Valley were really excellent. A lot of great players jamming til 1 or 2am. Loved it. The lineup with good too, AJ Lee and Blue Summitwere a highlight, espescialy the two guitarist for the band (Scot Gates and Sully Tuttle). Especially cool though was this guy up the hill from…
Fall Maintenance
Spent some of my vacation time fiddling with the backend tech that I use to organize the digital bits of my life (the foundation of my personal technology stack as it were).
April, 2022 Top Tracks Playlist
Really late on this. Here’s a playlist of my top tracks from April, 2022 on Last.FM and on Apple Music. Still really enjoying The Cactus Blossoms. Work has been busy and so meeting-filled that I’m barely listening to any music during the day. This has been true for April and May. So, listening habits are…
Non-elitist daily transportation
From Grant’s (Petersen, of Rivendell) latest post. He’s one of my favorite bike-people: We are locked into steel, locked out of suspension and disc brakes, are increasingly suspect of racing’s influence, and we “value,” I guess is the closest word I can think of, bicycles as non-elitist daily transportation, and yet we still make them…
Music from the show High Maintenance
I’ve watched every season of High Maintenance a few times. We’ve been watching them again lately when we need a short show to watch in the evenings and this time around I’m deeply focussed not the soundtrack for each episode. I’ve always been aware of the music in the show (it’s amazing, here’s some background from…
Huddled with the nihilists
This great take on Twitter/Musk from Robin Sloan via the always excellent Michael Sacasas: The amount that Twitter omits is breathtaking; more than any other social platform, it is indifferent to huge swaths of human experience and endeavor. I invite you to imagine this omitted content as a vast, bustling city. Scratching at your timeline, you…
Visited Austin. Learned some tips on smoking brisket from the pit master at Terry Black’s. Saw some great live music. Didn’t take nearly as many good pictures as I would have liked. Still, great trip.
Habit and Repetition
Still coming back to this excellent essay by Meghan O’Gieblyn from Harper’s Magazine: Is it possible in our age of advanced technology to recall the spiritual dimension of repetition? Or has it been conclusively subsumed into the deadening drumbeat of modern life?
Find and replace local versions of Apple Music files in a playlist
I have a bunch of playlists that I’ve crafted over the years and when I moved to Apple Music I was disappointed to see my local library copies of those files replaced with Apple Music’s versions. It seemed to be totally arbitrary and, importantly, the play count, rating, etc. was different on my local library…
March, 2022 Top Tracks Playlist
My top tracks for March, 2022. You can listen to this playlist on Apple Music or on’s is much more comprehensive for some reason. The service has seemed very flakey the past few weeks and I can’t find an alternative method for tracking so have to live with it just being janky I guess.…