Category: Uncategorized
Mind Hacks: Far from the madding crowd
Mind Hacks: Far from the madding crowd you could be that “third guy,” so it pays not to be an instigating d-bag. “Judging the fight to begin with the aggressorâs first pointing gesture towards his target, the researchers found that the…
One Man Tackles Psychotherapy For The Amish : NPR
One Man Tackles Psychotherapy For The Amish : NPR “Though Cates does have some mainstream American clients, his small country practice in the Amish community of Topeka serves primarily Amish teenagers, most of them kids, as Cates explains it, in the…
Tips for shooting better online video
Tips for shooting better online video Online video and movies can help tell stories in ways printed words can’t. Here is some advice to help.
Statement from Lance Armstrong after injury
Statement from Lance Armstrong after injury Looks like Armstrong is on his way back to the US after his crash yesterday. All of the obstacles he’s been able to overcome it’s his collarbone that gets him. Amazing.
Kettlebell workout this AM. Feel like I’ve been worked over by a meat tenderizing hammer.
Happiness is contagious, research finds – Los Angeles Times
Happiness is contagious, research finds – Los Angeles Times A happy friend who lives within a half-mile makes you 42% more likely to be happy yourself. If that same friend lives two miles away, his impact drops to 22%. Happy friends who are more distant have…
Mass Hysteria Over AIG Obscures Simple Truths: Michael Lewis
Mass Hysteria Over AIG Obscures Simple Truths: Michael Lewis via Mike Regan. Interesting read on the AIG bonuses.
Making things seems to be a way out of the bubble that atrophies our attention:
Children Living Near Green Spaces Are More Active
Children Living Near Green Spaces Are More Active The presence of nearby parks was strongly associated with girls walking to school and boys engaging in leisure walking. For every additional park located within a half mile of their home, the…
We should probably get this oil dependence thing wrapped up since it looks like we’ll probably be fighting over water pretty soon. Tapped Trailer (via tappedfilm) (Source: