🎵 Current Projects: For the past several years, I have been playing a lot of bluegrass, flatpicking style guitar. I play some of my original music in Kül d’Sack. I have also been playing in a Grateful Dead cover band, Dead Bank, for many years.
🎶 Past Projects: Having moved around quite a bit in my 20s/30s, I have been fortunate to play a variety of styles of music in other bands like Rasa and The Marvel B’s with great musicians in the several cities I’ve lived in.
🎸 Guitar Learning Resources: Over the years I’ve amassed a totally disorganzed collection of resources to help me improve upon my guitar playing. This is my attempt to organize those resources.
🎧 Home Audio: I take listening to music seriously and am constantly revising my various listening environments as well as the ways that I organize my music-both physical and digital.
🎙️ Home Recording: Over COVID quarantine I began to take recording in my little home studio/office seriously. I’m trying to organize my notes and resources.