This little Keyboard Maestro recipe I whipped up to stop the super-annoying behavior of Esc un-Maximizing a full-screen Safari window alone is worth the price of the app.
Inspired by listening to @ttscoff, @macsparky and @rosemaryorchard on yesterday’s Automators podcast, I made some slow progress but progress nonetheless! Trying to automate as much as possible my monthly entry in Day One of all of my purchases from that month from Amazon. Currently I’ve just got a repeating todo in Things that reminds me to launch this nifty Keyboard Maestro shortcut.
Still requires that I download the .csv file, gussy it up in Numbers and paste it into Day One. Those steps are still a big reach for my automation skills but gives me something to work on.
My buddy the Nav Man and I went up to Bear Mountain this weekend to do some hiking and work on some song writing. Here are some pics:
On the heels of some recent coverage about how Streaming Revenue is up I thought it might be useful to put some context around the hockey stick charts that some of these news outlets insist on displaying.
For sure, the music industry sure looks to be on the up and up!
And streaming is really contributing a lot to the $9.8bil!
But in context of an industry that was bringing in $15bil 20 years ago this graph provides some good context:
So glad this reference exists for configuring WordPress to work with micro.blog status entries.
I like to keep notes about the gigs I play with my various bands. Sometimes I log very detailed entries about changes we need to make to our gear or sound settings for the next gig, other times it’s just a few quick words so I can remember who came out to see us or what riff I need to work on in a given song for the next gig.
Naturally I use Day One to record this information. Last year I started using an iOS Shortcut that I wrote that prompts me for the type of information I want to record about each gig. The shortcut presented me with a list of questions and then combined all of my responses to those questions into a nicely-formatted Day One journal entry.
The problem is that I am not a great Shortcuts writer. I’m lazy so I didn’t add any flow control statements to try to save my responses to the prompt questions as I went along. Meaning, after answering 3 or 4 questions and typing them on my iPhone (which is needless to say tedious) I would occasionally forget about my lame programming skills and try to pause the Shortcut while I go over to facebook or somewhere and download a photo from the gig to add to the entry. Nine times out of 10 I would hit “Done” in the Shortcuts app to do this and in the process I would lose all of the responses I had already typed. Frustrating.
This morning I did just that. Again. I hit Done in Shortcuts while answering the gig prompts in order to go get a photo from facebook and lost all of the details I’d already written last night’s gig. Let me be clear this isn’t Shortcuts fault or Day One’s.
Then I realized I’m totally overthinking this whole need to be prompted bit by Shortcuts and instead trashed my old shortcut and just wrote up this little gem which works just fine and doesn’t have the risk of me screwing it up and losing text. Moral of the story: don’t overthink it! Maybe instead of using Shortcuts to prompt you for a long list of questions, just create a template entry in Shortcuts instead.
Thumbs up to @kevin2kelly for giving Adventure Cycling Association a mention in the latest issue of Recomendo. @advcyclingassoc is an amazing resource and I am proud to be a supporting member!
Hey, @brentsimmons release it on the App Store! NetNewsWire will be THE gateway drug for millions of users who have yet to discover that there is an internet outside of facebook and twitter! #controlyourfeed http://inessential.com/2019/03/26/netnewswire_on_mac_app_store_or_not_
I first started using Heart Rate Variability (HRV) to track my recovery from a concussion that I sustained while out mountain biking. HRV is a possibly useful metric to track overall health, stress levels, etc. I have a few years worth of (not entirely consistent) HRV data as a result of using Marco Altini’s fantastic HRV4Training app. If you’re not hip to HRV, here’s a little explainer from Marco’s website:
HRV, in particular rMSSD or a transformation of rMSSD such as HRV4Training’s Recovery Points, are simply a way to capture parasympathetic activity, or in other words, level of physiological stress. As we apply stress to trigger certain adaptations, measuring our body’s response to such stressors, as well as to all other forms of stress we are affected from (e.g. simply life happening, work stress, family, etc.), is very helpful as it can provide objective feedback and help us making meaningful adjustments, the simpler adjustments is probably just being a little more honest with ourselves, and slowing down from time to time, especially when our body is already too stressed.
The difficulty for me has been taking consistent measurements. For HRV data to be useful it ought to be collected at the same time and under similar circumstances each day. For most people, that’s first thing in the morning as they are laying in bed. Unfortunately our domestic situation is such that I do not have the luxury of laying in bed once I am awakened. Additionally there are some added stressors first thing in the AM that make replicating circumstances from one day to the next very difficult. So using HRV has always been hit or miss for me. Stepping way back and looking at long term trends I can always see my HRV going down when I play too many gigs in a given month (and am out late too frequently), but aside from that, there are so many day to day stressors in my life that it is difficult to tease out whether or not the impacts to my HRV are due to workouts or just daily stressors. I’ve had an Apple Watch (v2?) for while now and was hoping that having a measurement device strapped to my wrist might help me get HRV measurements with more consistency — and in turn make better inferences from the data. Unfortunately, Apple doesn’t make getting at the HRV data easy. Marco has written up a great explainer on how to get accurate and useful HRV measurements out of an Apple Watch
Recently, researchers at the University of Zaragoza in Spain, published a paper showing that RR intervals extracted from the Apple Watch while using the Breathe app, are indeed very accurate (Hernando et al., “Validation of the Apple Watch for Heart Rate Variability Measurements during Relax and Mental Stress in Healthy Subjects”). This is great news as it shows that the basic unit of information (RR intervals) can be trusted.
In other words, if you use the Breathe app on the Watch it will record HRV data for the breathing session which captures good beat-to-beat variability data. You can see from the screenshots that the Apple Watch takes a few HRV snapshots throughout each day. The measurements I’m interested in tracking are the first one from each day as I will try to do an Apple Watch breath session each morning (hopefully before the watch takes its first snapshot HRV reading). Enter iOS Shortcuts. If you’re not hip to iOS shortcuts and you own an iPhone, you should be. If you are hip to iOS shortcuts, I’ve written a proof of concept shortcut that:
There are a bunch of directions to go with this but basically I just wanted to prove out the case that:
Get the shortcut from iCloud here.
You need to click this link from your iPhone and need to have Day One installed but if you’re this far along you can likely modify the Day One entry to your text file of choice. The shortcut seems to generally work. While it will never have the functionality of HRV4Training it will be curious to see if deriving the HRV value from my watch makes me record the data any more frequently. Also, this is the first shortcut I’ve written and shared so I’m not sure if I create new versions if I need to post a new link or not. If you’re into this kind of thing and use it/modify it, etc. please drop me a note!
Check out my album Set It All Down on your favorite streaming service.