• 2019-03-11 21.49.20

    Got outside for lunch today. Stoked.

  • 2019-03-10 12.02.38

    Good reporting from the New Yorker on Fox/White House. Back in middle school I remember learning about Vremyathe Soviet-era state-run news channel and thinking to myself If the citizens know the channel is just propaganda, why do they still watch it?  

  • 2019-03-09 19.45.04

    As a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), for the tax years 2018 through 2025, you cannot deduct home office expenses if you are an employee. THANKS TRUMP!!!!

  • 2019-03-08 21.50.22

    Claypit Creek.

  • 1994 Fender Blues Deluxe (reissue) Amp For Sale

    I’ve lost count of how long I’ve been gigging with this amplifier. At least 10 years. Maybe closer to 15. It’s played hundreds of shows, that’s for sure. And it has never let me down. 

    I’m thinking about selling it because I am too old to carry it around any more. It’s not that it’s *that* heavy. It’s just not light and I need something light.

    It is cosmetically beat up, for sure. But is sounds amazing and is so much more reliable than any of the crazy expensive amps (Victoria, etc.) that other guitarists I’ve played with use.

    According to the fender website this amp was manufactured around September 1994. It’s got a 12” speaker and 40watts of tube power. Read more specs here.

    Here are some pictures. If you are interested, drop me an email or DM me @sjwillis on twitter.




  • 2019-03-06 17.55.43

    Cool to hear @manoushz covering the decentralized web. Or what I like to call “2006.” Also didn’t realize that Mozilla was in the podcast biz. Anyway, here’s Manoush give her a listen on IRL.

  • 2019-03-06 16.06.43

    Just had to restart ntp as it was causing a CPU spike at 100% for hours. It’s like that time the really quiet kid in class all of a sudden has a total freakout.

  • 2019-03-06 14.54.38

    This #yeti insulated mug has really raised my oatmeal game.

  • Securing websites with a free SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt

    In trying to harden my WordPress install that’s hosted on Linode I decided to enable https for encrypting the login page. At first I just went with the old self-signed certificate route and it was fine but boy did I have to jump through some hoops to get iOS/my iPhone to play nicely.

    Then I noticed that Google’s Chrome browser was giving me a “not secure” message on my site (and on the other sites I host on Linode) and realized that Google no-likey the self-signed certificates and further research showed that Google may actually penalize your site in search results if you don’t have a CA-signed SSL cert.

    I didn’t want to pay for an SSL cert just to encrypt my WordPress login and googling didn’t return much until I came across Linode’s great documentation for Securing HTTP Traffic with Certbot.

    Here I learned about Let’s Encrypt and the way they handle requesting certificates. Super, super cool. And Free. And with the instructions from Linode it was so easy to do.

    And now none of my hosted sites are getting that pesky Not-Secure error from Google Chrome!

  • 2019-03-04 17.29.17

    Playing with micro.blog and sunlit.

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  • the shifts have been in place for awhile. A certain kind of book—say those reviewed in the NYRB—will become like opera, or theater, or ballet, […]
  • • No more struggle: “Whatever arises, train again and again in seeing it for what it is. The innermost essence of mind is without bias. […]
  • The real problem, in my mind, isn’t in the nature of this particular Venture-Capital operation. Because the whole raison-d’etre of Venture Capital is to make […]
  • . The EU invokes a mechanism called the precautionary principle in cases where an innovation, such as GMOs, has not yet been sufficiently researched for […]

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