• Red Bank Register from March 6th 1895

    Red Bank Register from March 6th 1895

  • Wendell Berry’s “The Peace of Wild Things.” How is it I didn’t know this poem until today? Wonderful. http://xrl.us/benafx

  • Thoreau on Paris v. Concord

    I fear the dissipation that traveling, going into society, even the best, the enjoyment of intellectual luxuries, imply. If Paris is much in your mind, if it is more and more to you, Concord is less and less, and yet it would be a wretched bargain to accept the proudest Paris in exchange for my native village. At best, Paris could only be a school in which to learn to live here, a stepping-stone to Concord, as school in which to fit for this university. I wish so to live ever as to derive my satisfactions and inspirations from the commonest events, every-day phenomena, so that my senses hourly perceive, my daily walk, the conversation of my neighbors, may inspire me, and I may dream of no heaven but that which lies about me. A man may acquire a taste for wine or brandy, and so lose his love for water, but should we not pity him?

    I sent that quote over to John at Red Bank Green as the lost mission statement for his hyperlocal blog.

  • Had no idea Robert Pinksy grew up in Long Branch. The poet laureate is speaking at Monmouth U this Thursday: http://xrl.us/bem54w

  • Buying seeds for garden at cost cutters in Middletown. Store is going out of biz.

  • No matter how many times you hear them, the solos in All Blues never get stale or predictable.

  • For no printed word nor spoken plea
    Can teach a student what men should be,
    Not all the books on all the shelves.
    Oh no, it’s what the teachers are themselves.

  • Learning How to Think

    Learning How to Think

  • Reading Whitman Religiously – ChronicleReview.com

    Reading Whitman Religiously – ChronicleReview.com

  • Mind Hacks: Far from the madding crowd

    Mind Hacks: Far from the madding crowd

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  • the shifts have been in place for awhile. A certain kind of book—say those reviewed in the NYRB—will become like opera, or theater, or ballet, […]
  • • No more struggle: “Whatever arises, train again and again in seeing it for what it is. The innermost essence of mind is without bias. […]
  • . The EU invokes a mechanism called the precautionary principle in cases where an innovation, such as GMOs, has not yet been sufficiently researched for […]
  • The real problem, in my mind, isn’t in the nature of this particular Venture-Capital operation. Because the whole raison-d’etre of Venture Capital is to make […]

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