Using Safari more frequently than Firefox. It feels faster but I need integration and ‘restore previous session’
Using Safari more frequently than Firefox. It feels faster but I need integration and ‘restore previous session’
Glad that it’s warm enough to take my kid to school via bicycle today. Rode bike to the Y to tack on an extra 20min to my workout.
Suggestions on printing mini-books of photos a la QOOP? I tried QOOP a few months ago, great books but printing was bleh.
Less than a week since starting my music diet- -I think that Tempted by Squeeze is one of the best pop tunes ever.
using audio hijack to record a speech by the Dalai Lama muted in the background while i listen to itunes. if it works i’ll be way impressed.
Pixelmator | Support | Updates
new rev of Pixelmator. Version 1.1.3 (February 20, 2008)
Daring to Think Differently About Schizophrenia – New York Times
Really great science reporting from NYT on glutamate’s role in schizophrenia
working at home til 11-ish then taking kids sledding at Tower Hill. Call cell if you want to join us.
Check out my album Set It All Down on your favorite streaming service.