W00H00! down to fewer than 25 open tabs in firefox for first time since Thanksgiving
W00H00! down to fewer than 25 open tabs in firefox for first time since Thanksgiving
What makes a great photo? (Conscientious)
in the end, it is probably the sum of what every single person has to say that will answer the question “What makes a photo great?” – or maybe not (which would make it all the more interesting).
Atlantic Herald – The Arts Coalition of Asbury Park Debuts Redesigned Website
Karin at MCAC let me know about this article covering some work that I’ve recently done for a group down in Asbury.
Twelve Essential Photographic Rules
From Sunny 16 to Moony 11, 8, and 5.6, these facts, formulas, and photographic rules can get you out of a jam and help you get good shots when nothing else will.
4. The word “jaywalking” came from the US slang “jay”, a term popular in the early 20th Century meaning a rustic newcomer unfamiliar with city ways.
NetNewsWire is free. Best RSS reader ever.
NewsGator also announced that all of its client RSS reader products are now available free of charge and include free synchronization along with other services
FCC to Probe Comcast Data Discrimination
A possible good win for Net Neutrality: The Federal Communications Commission will investigate complaints that Comcast Corp. actively interferes with Internet traffic as its subscribers try to share files online, FCC Chairman Kevin Martin said Tuesday.
Christopher emailed me about a piece he wrote on Network Solutions having been caught in the act of registering a domain based on users searching for a domain to register.
iMovie ‘08 needs 12 minutes to export a 640 X 480 2 ½ minute video of a screen capture tutorial i made for a client. Insanely lame.
Gino’s pizza rolls for lunch. Just out of toaster oven. Commence roof-of-mouth burning … now
Check out my album Set It All Down on your favorite streaming service.